Monday, June 4, 2012

7 day diet shake plan

Need help deciding how to add diet and protein shakes to your daily meal plans? Here's a sample 7-Day Meal Plan that adds shakes every day. Follow this plan to lose weight, feel great, and reach all of your healthy lifestyle goals!

 MONDAY-First day of seven day diet plan.
 Breakfast: Mixed protein shake made with half-cup of blueberry and half cup of strawberry. Add yogurt or use 2% milk.

 Lunch: Your choice mixed protein shake and 1 apple.

 Snack: Protein bar or similar granola bar.

 Dinner: Veggie burger with 1 slice of low-fat cheese, medium sliced tomato, salad made with dark greens and low-fat dressing. Optional: 3-5 ounces of red wine. No more than that!

 Breakfast: Mixed protein shake made with half-cup of blueberry and half cup of strawberry (or other berries, if you prefer. But it must have fruit!)

 Lunch: Chicken breast stew (3 oz.) made with colorful vegetables like summer squash, carrots, celery, onions, green beans and dill. Salad made with sliced cucumber, tomato, lettuce, minced onion and olive oil.

 Snack: 3 oz. chicken breast with broccoli spears, small tomato, cucumber.

 Dinner: Mixed protein shake made with half-cup of blueberry and half cup of strawberry (or other similar berries). If you had no snack today, then feel free to crumble in some granola, honey, or yogurt.

 Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with herbs and vegetables: half of red pepper, half of green pepper, half of yellow pepper, minced onion.

 Lunch: Your mixed protein shake made with half of banana (tip: chocolate protein shake is an excellent combination with the banana).

 Snack: Protein bar and one peach.

 Dinner: 4 oz. grilled shrimps, dark green salad greens made with cherry tomato and low-fat feta cheese, 2 Tb.spoons chopped walnuts, 1 peach and olive oil, 1 sliced apple. Optional: 3-5 ounces of red wine. No more than that!
 Breakfast: Protein shake made with 1 cup of strawberry.

 Lunch: Protein shake made with half cup of strawberry (or similar fruit) and one steak of celery.

 Snack: Chicken soup with fresh veggies and a light side salad, with balsamic dressing.

 Dinner: Stir-fry chicken breast (3 oz.) with teriyaki sauce, steamed broccoli (2 cups) with soy sauce, seven color salad made with lettuce mix, tomatoes, carrot, 1/4 avocado, pear, red grapes, small can mandarin or oranges, yellow pepper. Optional: 3-5 ounces of red wine. No more than that!

 Breakfast: Firm tofu (1 cup) with soy sauce, 4 olives, small tomato, half cup raspberry.

 Lunch: Protein shake made with half-cup of blueberry and half cup of strawberry.

 Snack: Chicken or Turkey soup and vegetable salad with chopped lettuce, carrot, tomato, cucumber, apple, minced onion with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, one pear.

 Dinner: Protein shake made with medium diced peach. Drizzle a bit of honey and sprinkle granola on top for a Friday treat!

 Breakfast: Protein shake made with half of banana.

 Lunch: Gazpacho soup, grilled fish fillet (4 oz,) steamed mix vegetables (2 cups), half of avocado.

 Snack: Protein bar or granola bar or handful of almonds/mixed nuts

 Dinner: Protein shake made with half cup of blueberry and half cup of strawberry (or similar berries).

 SUNDAY-Last day of seven day diet plan!
 Breakfast: Protein shake with one cup of blackberries.

 Lunch: Protein shake with one cup of blueberries and a drizzle of honey.

 Snack: Soy nuts or other mixed nuts and 3 small plums.

 Dinner: Lean red meat (3 oz), grilled zucchini and onion, tossed salad made with low-fat Italian dressing, half of mango. Optional: 3-5 ounces of red wine. No more than that!
 Congratulations! You've now made it through an entire week of eating right, staying healthy, and filling up on delicious vitamins and nutrients. Following this 7 day plan will provide a great guide for your future. Stick with it, and you are sure to see results. Don't stop after a week either! This menu can be tailored to your diet. Change around a few items here and there and you will never become bored with your meals. Not only will you love what you are eating every day, but you will feel better than ever before!

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